Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome to Syracuse

I decided to start a blog since I figure this phase in my life might considerably be the toughest yet. Yes, intense studies and financial poverty in a harsh winter environment are for me the fundamental elements of miserable living; And this blog will be a testament to how I will cope with that and slowly untangle the knots of doctorateship (if I do get my degree in the future). You're probably wondering why I am preempting an arduous journey and why, at this early a stage in my PhD studies, I am sounding pessimistic. Well, apparently, PhD students naturally project this attitude to help brace themselves for the worse. I have witnessed terrible PhD experiences when I was working as an RA in NUS. I believe because of this I'm also bracing myself with a headstart for anything that will catch me off guard in the course of my studies in Syracuse.

However this blog doesn't just serve my own purpose, but it also hopes to keep you (friends and family) posted of my progress here in a somewhat entertaining manner. Please do drop by occcasionally to read my stories and I look forward to reading your comments as well.


Anonymous said...

yey yey yey a blog!
i will keep updated!

why didn't sa livejournal?

Atsi-Batsi said...

Marvin is trying to stay true to his academic image by sticking to blogspot. Haha!

I'm glad you started a blog Marbs! Looking forward to this new adventure :)