Saturday, September 20, 2008

The UN Apple Picking Mission

Even though I have tons of work to do this weekend, I did not pass up a chance to go for apple picking. You probably know how difficult it is to go around Syracuse without a car. So if a friend offers to drive to a place beyond the reach of public transport, accept it! And besides, I figure I should start savoring the remaining good weather before winter arrives.

Kyle organized an apple picking trip with new friends at ESF. Interestingly, he made a good list of international students coming from all corners of the globe. So there we were, just like a UN diplomatic team, doing a mission in an apple orchard somewhere in the outskirts of Syracuse. We went to this place called Beak and Skiff Apple Farms in Lafayette, 20 minutes drive from Syracuse. As soon as we arrived, I instantly got excited upon seeing low lying trees with thousands of red spots. Before I always thought that apple trees were tall and broad. Remember we used to draw apple trees like that in primary school? Damn, those primary school teachers fooled us!

Anyway, I really enjoyed the trip even though I caught myself thinking of how to solve my economics homework several times throughout the day . I think it was time well spent and I always believe that we ought to unwind and relax from time to time.

If you want to see more apple picking photos, please go to my flickr account HERE.

Thanks Kyle and the UN Apple Picking team! 'Til our next mission!


Atsi-Batsi said...

I still remember my first apple picking experience in Boston! Great fun for Manila-bred Filipinos. ;)

kasmirasimone said...

red apples and green trees and blue skies, pretty!